Teleworking, home office, or working from home from a legal standpoint

Regulation of telecommuting and home office in a coronavirus epidemic from here and beyond. With this article, Legisly puts your mind in order and explains what home office and telecommuting are all about in terms of law. We are talking about taboos, cost-sharing, employer scrutiny and much more that has been on the agenda for […]

Termination by mutual agreement? or the iron ring of labor law made of wood

There are things in life that many know badly, but not by their own fault. Such a misconception is, for example, that fish from Lake Balaton is hake or that the Viennese steak is made from pork. One of the most searched terms for termination is “termination by mutual consent”. However, it does not matter whether the half-timbered drawing sheet is A4 or Audi.

Is coronavirus vaccination mandatory at work? – legal analysis in 5 points

Is coronavirus vaccination mandatory at work? Although the current law does not require the vaccination at all, employers may require it to be taken as a condition of employment. Of course, this does not mean that vaccination will be mandatory in general. We show you step by step what your employer is entitled to and […]